When we think about mushrooms, we never think about how they came into being, we only know that they pop out of the ground.
However, mushrooms grow from a root like structure called mycelium (Pronounced: mai-see-lee-uhm), that is made up of thousands of thread-like strands called hyphae (Pronounced: hi-fee)
They have existed for 800 million years and have been vital to the upkeep of nature throughout their existent by helping to create the earth's liveable atmosphere, providing nutrients to plants and trees, and being the natural decomposers of the world.
There are many different species of mycelium, each with their own unique properties, some including:
-Immunity strengthening; helping to support of our immune systems
-Anti-inflammatory; helping to improve acne, rosacea and eczema
-Anti aging; rich in vitamin D, selenium and antioxidants that
protect your skin against wrinkles and discoloration caused by environmental damage
-Hydration; provides a plumping effect making your skin feel smooth and supple
-Skin lightening for hyperpigmentation; it contains kojic acid which is a natural skin lightener